

How Many Cultures Exist in your Organization?

“We have frequently seen organizations (public and private) that have dissimilar and often conflicting islands of culture where the primary focus is on maximizing performance for a particular area while relegating the aims and objectives of the company as a whole to second place. This kind of organizational misalignment drains passion and creativity, increases conflict, and wastes energy.”

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Are people undermining your strategy (execution)?

“Strategy execution is a central issue for companies and their directors. Academics and executives have long been researching for the best theories, practices and effectiveness. Studies have found that two-thirds to three-quarters of large organizations struggle to implement their strategies. All but one of the factors presented is controlled by the leadership.”


Video Version: Are people undermining your strategy (execution)?


Self as Coach

“Great coaches know that working on themselves is what matters and is a continuous journey.  While we are involved in client coaching, we must also work to build our competencies, manage our inevitable "shadows" and discover our blind spots (article for the Brazilian coaching magazine Revista Coaching, in Portuguese).”




Cultura Empresarial


In this on-air interview for the leading show “Mundo Corporativo” on the leading Brazilian radio network CBN / Globo, Tim is interviewed as an expert on organizational culture. He discusses overall aspects of organizational culture and gives suggestions on how to build and manage an organization’s structure to leverage its strategy.


Capitalismo Consciente

“In this interview for ANEFAC, Brazil’s Association of Finance Executives, Tim discusses the four pillars of a conscious organization.”


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